Mother Vs Lover

Mother Vs Lover

"Mother is one who nurtures from your first breath to her last."

"Lover is one who make you blush at adolescence and stays till death."

........You get a job, whom you will call first  Mother or Lover  ?

With reference to Holy Communion , Mother is the Jesus, those 12 men who first believed in Jesus ,he knew who will betray but what mattered to him is the well-being of his sons.That is the affection of Mother, the living  Goddess.

When  one is in the claws of expectations, every things look blur, fed up of life ;then smoothly a hand placed at your heart, lips rub your cheeks in to and fro motion, whispers are aloud "your are my best"  , here comes lover, the god/goddess of hope and serenity.

In childhood, when  mother instructs us to walk on footpath rather than middle of road, we obey her. We walk on footpath, whenever a obstacle comes, one moves to the road and then again traces back the route. She asks not to bend over the roof. And she saves us from the dangers. She teaches to grow and sustain the toxic world.

With fingers crossed, lovers walk in the middle of road, bikers have to cut their ways. They stand on the roofs with ones backs on other, one learns how to mange risks and survive happily.

Mom asks to get sleep early, but lovers asks to wake up when everyone is sleeping.Former is important for health, later is important for the heart. Most of the lovers do not say good-bye to each other, rather say ..see u later, ttyl.. One just don't want to  get the feeling of going away ,the harsh reality. But to our mother, we bid her good-bye. She teaches the harsh reality. The fact is the mentality of stealing away haunts to both , the lover and  the child.

Love is a gift ,the feeling that unites the souls. One not only finds happiness in each other, but also a motivation to move on in life .Life seems to give the best gift in form of lover.You win a prize, the first call goes to love, your are hurt, first call goes to love ,you are sad , again to lover, see a couple fingers crossed ,unaware of the world, you miss yours.It hurts when your love shouts ,screams at you, you just want to pacify.They make castles of their own, but many a times in air. It starts from heart and ends at the heart.

Mother is the pride of every child .One needs her blessings day in and day out.Every child knows, she has hidden the biscuits, just  above the shelf, that you can reach.Improvise and enjoy the biscuits. These biscuits help us to learn to walk, to run, to smile.What matters is not the biscuits (materialistic pleasure) but who offers it ,mother(the eternal pleasure).Whenever one is tired up, just wanna  rest ones head in mother's lap, she rolling her fingers on forehead.

Mother and lover , both have a very strong trait, possessiveness. None wants to part with her love. After a long time , when two lovers meet, though decided to talk/fight over lot of issues, but they just hold each other hands in warm intimacy, staring in each other eyes. And if a child meets her mother after long time, they both smile.Mothers touches your forehead and knows about you, and vice-versa. We don't want to hide any thing from our love, and we hide our love from our mother. The fact is Mother knows everything even if one does not tell, and lover still misses something.

Sometimes some dreams fail to materialise. But lover and mother led a way for better life.

Someone asked a question to both lover and mother:

To Lover    : Why you love me, take care of me, stand by me and always support me?

Lover         :  Because I love you and You love me.

To Mother :  Why you love me, take care of me, stand by me and always support me?

Mother      :  Because I am a mother, and i love you.

I end this with a true story,

                     A boy used to talk on phone on roof-tops.When he talks to his love ,he looks up in the sky at the moon to feel the warmth of her love.When he talks his his mom, his head is held down looking at the floor with moon overhead, in respect.

"The difference is, in former, the boy stares at The Moon , in later,The Moon watches the Boy"


Comparisons are odious.One cant be better at cost of other.
One is the creator of the other.


  1. You get a job, whom you will call first Mother or Lover ?


    1. Its the second thought that comes to mind.

  2. its not about the answer , its about the delay in taking the decision...

  3. Nice ..last line was the best "comparisons are odious" ..

    1. i didn't wanna compare .. i was just analysing.. comparisons are really odious.

  4. Nice analysis bro.... feelings expressed in words in a very awesome way...!!!

    1. Thanks .. brother.. just getting ignited....


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